by: Mike Miller

You have probably heard the saying that timing is everything in life. Sometimes it is just a matter of seconds that differentiates between something really good happening and something bad. As a counselor for a stop theft class I see this coming into play time and again.

One of my former students, Steffi, was in theft class due to a shoplifting violation. Did she steal anything? No – she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person. Steffi’s friend had stolen a $25 bracelet from a major department store. Video surveillance had both she and her friend together entering, shopping and leaving the store.

She was unaware her friend had stolen the bracelet when store security caught up with them. When confronted by the officer Steffi was belligerent that they had not taken anything and verbally abused the security guard.

As they waited for local police to arrive her attitude became even worse and she started verbally assaulting store employees and even officers when they arrived. When the bracelet was found in her friend’s pocket, Steffi admits that her friend also became the target of verbal abuse.

Both girls were arrested and charged with shoplifting. There is no doubt Steffi was hanging out with the wrong person at the wrong time. While she refuses to admit any guilt, her hostile attitude certainly did not help the situation. Hopefully, we can all learn from others’ mistakes!