by: Mike Miller

There are many moralists who think sex shops are frequented only by pigs. Usually that refers to men and meaning they are morally depraved or even morally bankrupt. In this case it is a Pigg who entered a sex shop and stole a sex toy.

It was Sheryl Crow who belted out the famous line “if it makes you happy it can’t be that bad.” Yet stealing a sex toy to gain sexual gratification can be bad. As reported in

A Georgia woman is facing shoplifting charges after police said she tried to steal a sex toy from an Augusta store. The incident occurred at the infamous Lucy’s Love Shop around 2:30 p.m.

The thief was a 32-year-old who must have been in dire need of gratification. April Pigg almost got away with it, except the sex toy she attempted to steal was armed with a tracking mechanism that caused store security to beep when she left without paying.

When the buzzer went off, Pigg pulled a $71 Jack Rabbit vibrator from her purse and returned it before leaving the store. The store employee witnessed Pigg leaving in the passenger seat of the getaway car.

Pigg admitted she left the store with the merchandise to show to her sister, who had stayed in the car with a small child. Pigg said she intended to return the item later.

Now she sits in jail and will be the target of television and Internet pundits everywhere. Hopefully, she will be mandated to a reputable anti-stealing class and will do her best to resurrect her reputation.