Have you ever had a friend ask you to steal something? How about be the look out or accomplice in their shoplifting activities? It is pretty likely you have stolen or been asked to be an accomplice.
As a counselor for both in-class and online stop theft classes I often discuss these questions with my students. I do not think you will be surprised that more than 90% claim to have been asked to help in a theft. Of course, all of these students have been involved in a theft-related incident.
So, what should you do when someone asks you to be an accomplice in a theft. There are many possible answers to that question. However, there is only one possible correct response – say no!
First of all, stealing is wrong. Second, you could get caught and a simple misdemeanor arrest for theft or shoplifting can literally ruin your life. Who wants to hire a convicted thief?
If someone you know or care about asks you to be involved in their theft activity not only refuse, but advise them seriously against committing the crime. You can refer them to a stop theft class. If they prefer to maintain anonymity there are online stop theft classes too.