by: Mike Miller

I am not sure if you are aware of it, but July is the month where the most cars are stolen in the United States. When I was younger we used a Club or Gorilla Grip to deter thieves. Nowadays there are more sophisticated anti-theft devices. So what can you do not to lose thousands of dollars?

Did you know that your auto insurance doesn't cover theft unless you have purchased comprehensive coverage? If you have comprehensive and your car is stolen, you'll still have to pay your deductible. Insurance should pay to replace your vehicle at fair market value, or for repairs and towing if the vehicle is recovered. As reported in

Maybe the following will not only keep your car safe but your bank account fuller.

Four Steps to Keeping Your Car

  1. This is simple and total common-sense: remove your keys, roll up the windows, lock the doors and park in a well-lighted area.

  2. Use a visible or audible device warning that your car is protected. That could include a steering-wheel lock, VIN etching or an audible alarm that you set when you leave the vehicle.

  3. Use an immobilizing device that keeps thieves from starting the car. Those could include smart keys with a chip embedded, kill switches, fuse cut-offs and fuel-pump disablers.

  4. I cannot recommend this highly enough – you might want to consider purchasing a device that help track and recover a stolen car, which may include LoJack or onboard telematics systems such as OnStar. They give you your money back if your car gets stolen and it is not recovered.

I would also like to think that stop theft courses would keep thieves from ever entertaining the idea of stealing your vehicle, but that might be naive. What are your thoughts?