by: Mike Miller

There is never a good way to steal anything, but some crimes involve even a little bit of intelligence with the effort to evade capture. Here is a really dumb way to steal a car.

A man in Richmond, Virginia drove a Ford Mustang out of a car lot for a test drive and never returned.

Officers arrested Jimmy W. Marcum, 21, Thursday after Doug Marshall, the manager of Amazing Deals on Wheels, reported the theft. Marcus evidently was looking for an especially amazing deal!

The theft was especially stupid in that the salesman is quite familiar with both the thief and his father. Both of whom were at the lot that day.

“I never thought nothing of it,” Marshall said. “I just handed him the keys and he drove off.”

Neither did either of the thieves!

Marshall said Marcum’s father also was in the car when it left.

Marcum did not return that evening, Marshall said. The next day, Marshall saw him across the street from Amazing Deals and sent his son to get him.

“He tried saying he had it at some shop getting it checked out, but I didn’t believe him,” Marshall said. That was when Marshall called police.

Marcum did not tell police where the car was, but it was returned later that evening after it was discovered.

Marcum was charged with theft by unlawful taking, auto. He is currently sitting in jail.
His father had not been charged in the incident yet, but police are still investigating the extent of his involvement.

Man, what in the world were these guys thinking? Do you think drugs may have been involved? The world would be a much better place, saving time and tax payer dollars if people quit stealing!