by: Mike Miller

Do the names Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss ring a bell? If you saw the Hollywood blockbuster “The Social Network” last year you most certainly do. If not, they are the twins who claim to have come up with the idea for Facebook, an idea they claim was stolen by Mark Zuckerberg.

They come from an extremely wealthy family and made tens of millions of dollars in a settlement with Zuckerberg, and now, with nothing better to do, they continue to capitalize on the 15-minutes of fame.

For the past couple of months, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss have been trying to get various judges to believe that they deserve more than $65 million for their part in the creation of Facebook.

Earlier this year, the Winklevii decided that their $65 million settlement with Zuckerberg and Facebook wasn’t good enough, so they attempted to go back on it in order to seek more. In April, an appeals court judge ruled that the Winklevii must accept the $65 million settlement. They filed another appeal to have their case heard by more judges – and it failed as well. Then they announced that they were taking the matter to the Supreme Court, but later thought better of it.

Now that it looks like our long national nightmare is over, what are the Winklevii to do?

Apparently, that answer is “make commercials.”

The now infamous zombie litigators are starring in an ad for Wonderful Pistachios, you know, the guys that love lime green clothing and minor celebrities. They have previously called upon the talents of people like Snooki and Rod Blagojevich.

This ad has the twins referencing the whole Facebook thing with a crack about idea theft. The voice-over then says “The Winklevoss Twins do it cautiously,” referencing how they crack their pistachios, or whatever.

They should really just keep their traps shut and live their lives. With so many people being robbed of ideas and personal property with no recourse, they $65 million more reasons to lie low.