by: Mike Miller

Let me begin by saying I have the utmost respect for firefighters. This is one profession that deserves tons more glory than it ever receives. However, like any group, there always are some bad apples. Here is one of those cases for the fire department.

In Tulare, California, a man already facing felony grand theft, embezzlement and elder abuse charges, is also accused in federal court of taking government money. While the other charges are despicable at best, the last allegation that carries with it a possible 10-year prison term.

Keith Little, 47, could be subject to a $250,000 fine and an additional three-year supervised release sentence. Little is a captain in the Tulare Fire Department.

Little used more than $600,000 from a trust fund set up for Harry and Julia Tuck, identified previously as an uncle and aunt.

He used the money to pay for personal living expenses, made cash withdrawals totaling $76,000, wrote checks to himself totaling $365,725 and purchased several vehicles including an all-terrain vehicle.

The trust fund contained the proceeds from social security retirement and military annuitant survivor benefits, according to the indictment. Little used $64,193 of social security benefits between 2004 and 2010.

Records show the trust had been set up to pay for Julia Tuck's health, support and maintenance.

Julia Tuck lived at her San Diego Ocean Beach home, receiving home-care assistance. In February 2008, Little sold the home and moved her to a nursing home in Tulare County. He failed to pay for Julia Tuck's medical, home care and nursing home expenses, however, as required.

Tulare police began investigating Little in September 2009. At the same time, federal Social Security administration personnel kicked off an additional investigation, police said.

Little has been with Tulare Fire for more than 20 years. He was first hired in 1989 as a firefighter and then promoted to engineer in 1997. He became a captain in June 2004.

As a vaunted member of the elite society of firemen I would have liked to have seen him act more according to the standards expected from men of his stature. Hopefully, with an online stop theft class and counseling he can again be a productive member of society.