by: Mike Miller

Does it seem like a good idea when you are in a foreign land the visit a prostitute? Does it ever seem like a good idea to carry $10,000 in cash in your pocket? How about carrying 10 grand when you go to the prostitute? Sounds pretty stupid, right? Get this -

An English tourist was robbed of $10,000 cash and his trousers after hiring a prostitute on South Auckland's Hunters' Corner.

He and a friend had stayed on after the Rugby World Cup and were visiting the business centre in South Auckland is known as Hunters' Corner or Hookers' Corner.

The British men picked up two female prostitutes in Hunters' Corner for sex last Friday night.

As one of the males left the motel room that he was using with the prostitute, it is alleged that she removed his trousers containing a wallet, which contained credit cards, and $4000. She then left the motel with the cash, wallet and pants.

"The wallet was recovered at a park, and as of now the prostitute has not been identified and the two tourists have left the country."

The clients often don't report these crimes because of the stigma involved, but it happens very regularly.

Last year a bill was introduced to restrict where street-based sex workers could solicit.

Manurewa MP George Hawkins introduced the Manukau Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill to Parliament in September last year to enable the council to ban street prostitution from certain areas of South Auckland.

Anyone found soliciting or receiving commercial sexual services in no-go zones would face a fine of $2000.

Somehow I have trouble sympathizing with these guys. Two acts of stupidity, one of great moral degradation, and a negative outcome -whoodathunkit?