by: Mike Miller

For all of my loyal followers you know the one kind of theft that really sticks in my craw is theft from the elderly and charity/non-profits. This is especially bad because these people are put into a place of trust where often there is little, if any, oversight.

As a parent and a member of the parent teacher organization I am all too aware of how little tax money the schools actually get and how important money from fundraisers is for our children.

It should come as no surprise that the theft by Janet Gamory makes me sick!

The 40-year old Janet Gamory stole $32,859.35 in cash money from the Silver Lake's Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Student Association. As reported in the Miami Herald, as treasurer for the organization, Gamory stole the money over a 15-month period from July 2010 through August 2011.

It was literally like taking candy from a baby. Board members would give money made during school events to Gamory, which never made it into the PTSA. During this period, Gamory would attend the monthly board meetings and provide false documentation to show the bank account had higher balances that were in fact actually there.

Gamory would also present the board with fictitious reports she had created using a software program known as “moneyminder”.

Who suffers from this? The answer is our kids. Quite frankly I am worried about the world we are setting up for our children. This country, and the planet, need a serious dose of moral compass. We need to stop abusing drugs and alcohol and not steal form our fellow man. The Lord has a way of taking care of us. So before resorting to theft, please seek the guidance of a spiritual advisor and a Florida theft class.