by: Mike Miller

Many shoplifters do not steal out of need. Many are addicted to the feeling of stealing something, while others are just under the influence of drugs and alcohol and acting very stupidly.

According to the Herald Citizen, Justin Lyn Key, a Tennessee man, is a textbook case of acting stupidly. In fact, his actions after being caught stealing by a store employee are what wound up getting him arrested.

The 25-year-old Key from Cookeville, is charged with theft of merchandise, indecent exposure, and public intoxication in theft at a Dollar Store.

When confronted, Key started running down the aisle ways throwing the items he had concealed and even dropped his pants and exposed his naked behind to patrons and store employees.

When confronted by officers he was so drunk he kept trying to pass out. He could barely stand, had slurred speech and dilated pupils.

All this for $110 worth of stuff. Granted he was shopping at the Dollar store and with no cart he had a lot of items concealed in his clothing. Key is young enough to recover from this provided he seek leniency from the court. He should volunteer for Tennessee theft classes and counseling, Tennessee alcohol awareness classes, in addition to making reparations to the store.