by: Mike Miller

Sometimes you just have to smile at the minor comedic happenstances in life. As a person with a long past with problems shoplifting, theft is one subject to be taken seriously. The following story made me smile and I hope you get a chuckle as well.

Last month in Deerfield Beach, Florida a young man robbed a video game store, GameStop. The game stolen – “Grand Theft Auto.”  The thief, who is still at large also stole the game “L.A. Noire” as well as some instructional manuals – AKA “cheat sheets.”  You have to smile.

Tow Truck Mania

One type of theft that always catches my eye are cars stolen by tow trucks. There seemed to be a lot of them in happening in Southern California during the 1970s. Then I remember all of the stories about tow trucks stealing cars at stadiums and other sports arenas. The trucks enter the parking lot on the pretext of towing a malfunctioning car during the middle of a game (when the owner is obviously occupied) and drive out of the lot no questions asked.

There really should be strict laws about who operates a tow truck. There is a certain level of trust there that may need to be addressed. I was discussing this issue with one of my alcohol awareness classes yesterday when a perfect example showed up from Fort Lauderdale, Florida where 23-year-old Sebrina Rosenbaum, of Hollywood, was arrested for stealing a car. 

I am sure you are wondering why this is note-worthy, right?  Because she stole a 1992 Ford Escort. You read that correctly – she stole a car that had less than zero value on the resale market.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, the car was returned to the poor 78-year-old owner.