by: Mike Miller

If I have said it once, I have said it one thousand times – do not put yourself in a questionable or bad situation! If you are an alcoholic – don’t go to the bar or a party where people will be drinking. If you are a thief or have had thoughts of stealing something do not allow yourself to be around lots of money or other “stealable” goods. Note – if you are having thoughts of stealing something you might want to take a stop theft class.

Robbing a Bank – Bad Idea

Not seeking help or acting upon your theft thoughts could ruin your life or career before it hardly gets started! Take the case of 21-year-old Nicholas Cabrera of Plant City, Florida. Cabrera had dreams of becoming a law enforcement officer. Like many with similar dreams he decided to get some experience first.

Cabrera got a job at a local Wells Fargo bank. As with most hired by banks, Cabrera had never been in trouble with the law. While he had no record, I would be willing to bet he had had previous thoughts of theft, and may have even stolen a few items and gotten away with it – sometime in his past.

Instead of seeking help for his thoughts, Cabrera acted on them. Now his career in law enforcement is a distant memory. Cabrera was supposed to be re-loading the ATM machine when he decided to pocket $4,000. Police have charged him with grand theft – a felony. I hope Cabrera seeks the help of an online theft class and other counseling. With help and support Cabrera, who is only 21 – has a chance to make a new life for himself.