by: Mike Miller

Why would a nun steal? If a nun was stealing what do you think she stole?

There is no doubt the Catholic Church and some of the priests have had some very bad publicity over the years. The nuns, however, seemed to have lived good, clean lives. Until now that is!

An 80-year old Spanish nun has been charged for her involvement in a baby theft ring that dates back to the Franco era. This according to Fox News.

Sister María Gómez Valbuena appeared before a judge and refused to testify, invoking her right to remain silent on charges that she kidnapped a newborn girl from a Madrid hospital in 1982.

Sister María also faces formal charges of false imprisonment and forgery.

The mother in Sister María's case, Maria Luisa Torres, accuses the nun of snagging her baby girl soon after she gave birth in the Santa Cristina hospital. Sister María also allegedly threatened to take away another baby and turn Torres in for adultery when she questioned the nun on what happened to her child.

On a more happy note, Torres was finally reunited with her daughter, Pilar, last year.

A crowd outside of the courthouse jeered Sister María as she left the courtroom clad in the habit of her Sisters of Charity order.

Political Abductions

It is believed that thousands of children were kidnapped from their parents during the years of Franco’s dictatorship and afterward. The suspected thefts are believed to have started during the 1936-39 Civil War continuing up until the 1990s.

The kidnappings are believed to be part of an effort to take children away from left-wing parents and give them to "approved" right-wing families.

It is sad to see one of God’s servants involved in this shameful act. She will have to confront her Maker soon enough.