by: Mike Miller

Theft is always wrong. Using the “Robin Hood” theory that you steal from the rich to give to the poor is still stealing and it is wrong. This is equally true when the poor happened to be you.

Each member of the Irish mega-band U2 is enormously wealthy. That does not mean it is okay for a person entrusted by them to steal from them. This is exactly what happened to bassist Adam Clayton. This according to

Carol Hawkins, his former assistant has been convicted on 181 counts of theft after dipping into the musician's savings over a four-year period.

Hawkins was accused of misappropriating the bassist's funds from 2004 to 2008 and buying herself a new car, several vacations, 22 horses and university courses for her children - at a cost of $3.6 million.

The Irish musician fired Hawkins and filed suit against her in 2009 after she personally confessed to the crime.  Recently the court found the 48-year-old guilty of transferring huge sums of cash from Clayton's funds to her personal bank account.

I believe 16 hour theft classes help engrain a solid notion that stealing is wrong. Cases and lives would not be corrupted if theft never happened in the first place.