by: Mike Miller

Studies have shown that most people do not steal out of need. They steal on impulse and out of a compulsion to steal.

How, exactly, would one steal a KitchenAid mixer? The hefty kitchen appliance isn't something you can shove in your pocket or easily sneak out the door at Target, yet, according to a new survey, it is among the most shoplifted items in America.

Shoplifting up 94%

The survey from the National Retail Federation suggests shoplifting is at an all-time high: 96 percent of companies say they're victims of theft, which is a 94.5 percent increase from last year. This according to

What do you think is the reason for the recent spike in shoplifting?

Given the current addiction issues with respect to pain relievers it may come as little surprise that they are one of the most frequently shoplifted items. Other items normally found in the medicinal section of the store that frequently are stolen include weight loss pills , diabetic testing strips and pregnancy tests.

Electronics Items Frequently Stolen

Cell phones are another item frequently lifted. Other electronics items that are targets for thieves include LCD monitors, television sets, laptop computers GPS devices and digital cameras.

Other items that also are on the top of the list include high-end vacuum cleaners, designer clothing and purses.

Vices Stolen Too

It should come as little surprise that vices like alcohol and cigarettes also are stolen quite often. So too are energy drinks like Red Bull.

Right out of the movie “Raising Arizona” diapers also make the list of frequently shoplifted items.

Hopefully more shoplifting classes and counseling will help keep people from taking other people’s property!