by: Mike Miller

Have you stolen something recently? Perhaps it is something as innocuous as a pack of gum or a magazine at a doctor’s office. If you have pilfered anything which did not belong to you, it may be time to evaluate your behavior.

For many of us theft starts off with small things. Magazines at doctor’s offices, towels from a hotel, office supplies from work. If you have I might encourage you to enroll in an 8-hour online stop theft class.

While these actions may seem relatively harmless, they may be harbingers of an overall change in your moral compass. We all know stealing is wrong. Even when you pilfered the magazine from the doctor’s office, you knew it was not right. Yet you managed to justify it that everyone does it or that it is no big deal.

If you are stealing small things I encourage you to take a more conscious role in all of your decision-making. Stop taking things that do not belong to you. A theft class is a good place to start because it may help you identify your pattern of behavior.

If you prefer to maintain total anonymity there are online stop theft classes too.