by: Mike Miller

The Welsh group “The Alarm” has a tremendous song called “How the Might Fall.” Perhaps if one Irish banker had listened to its theme he would still be one of the most powerful and influential business leaders of his country.

He WAS once the country's most successful banker, lauded by his peers and top businessmen in boardrooms around the world. This as reported in

Now he IS surrounded by drug addicts, shoplifters and other defendants -- an unlikely dapper figure among them in his navy blazer with brass buttons.

Sean FitzPatrick , the 64-year-old former Anglo Irish Bank chief was charged with permitting the bank to give "unlawful financial assistance" to 16 named individuals for the purpose of, or in connection with the purchase of shares in Anglo to unlawfully prop up its share price.

AKA – insider trading.

Fitzpatrick knew the bank was in dire trouble and aided friends and family to get out before the bottom fell out. Investors lost more than 30 billion British Pounds ($60 billion dollars).

Onlookers spit and cursed him as he approached the courthouse for arraignment. This one of the most influential men in Ireland less than 5 years ago.

Shameful behavior by yet another one of our global capital leaders. No wonder there are Wall Street Sit-Outs and people up in arms over the way our capital markets are being run.