by: Mike Miller

If you focused at all on the title to this blog I am sure you know we are dealing with a truly deranged individual. This guy has serious issues. As if a criminal record of chopping down dead animals wasn’t bad enough, this guy caught a case of sticky fingers while shopping at Wal-Mart!

Yet another Wal-Mart statistic. As reported in

Bryan James Hathaway who gained international notoriety after being convicted in 2006 of molesting the carcass of a dead deer was arrested for allegedly assaulting a female police officer.

The 25-year-old Hathaway is accused of assaulting an officer, obstructing legal process, fleeing on foot and receiving stolen property. He was caught by another shopper, an off0duty police officer, who noticed the furtive man in his car parked next to hers.

The officer got out of her car, knocked on the window of the vehicle where Hathaway was sitting and pointed to the lettering on her shirt. She then told the 25-year-old that she is a cop and instructed him not to move.

Hathaway stole two Android cell phones, found in boxes, one of which still had the security device from Wal-Mart around it. Also seized were a Virgin Mobile LG cell phone and a new power cord in a plastic bag from the same store.

This incident comes less than six years after Hathaway was arrested for having sex with a dead deer.

On October 11, 2006, then-18-year-old Hathaway stumbled upon the animal’s carcass while biking along Stinson Avenue, Chicago Sun-Time reported.

Hathaway told detectives that he was aroused by the sight of the deer in the ditch. He admitted moving the carcass into the woods and assaulting it.

What does he need? A theft class may be a start, but he needs some serious in-house counseling!