by: Mike Miller

Just what do you do with traitors to your country? Back in the 1950s they most likely would have disappeared. That does not happen nowadays. Perhaps they get sent to Guantanamo Bay. Certainly more than having to just take a 24 hour theft class.

Stealing technology to sell to the Russian government sounds like something right out of the Cold War yet now 11 people are on trial in connection with a $50-million conspiracy designed to steal American technologies for the Russian government. As reported in

The ringleader is Alexander Fishenko, 46, the owner of U.S. and Russian companies. He immigrated to this country in 1994 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later. He is accused of overseeing shipments to Russia of radar and surveillance systems, weapons guidance systems and detonation triggers.

What type of crime do you a person like this? In my opinion, this is treason pure and simple. The law states that Fishenko could receive more than 20 years in prison.

Fishenko ran Arc Electronics Inc. in Houston, which sent the equipment to Russia. There was a striking similarity between Arc's gross revenue and Russia's defense spending over the last several years.

In an effort to hide their horrific and traitorous actions, the defendants labeled some equipment as material for fishing boats rather than as anti-submarine devices.

One 58-year-old defendant was arrested as he attempted to board a flight back to Russia.

What would you do to these traitors and thieves? This goes far beyond 24 hour theft classes and counseling. You can bet I will be following this case very closely in the weeks to come.