by: Mike Miller

For those of you who are part of my loyal contingent of anti-theft blog material you know how I feel about theft from the elderly. It really ticks me off.

Taking advantage of a person who is physically incapable of handling their own affairs is a serious crime. These people, who are hired as stewards of the elderly and needy, rip them off. Unfortunately, this type of theft is all too common here in the United States. As reported in

Most recently I read about a 40-year-old woman charged with multiple counts of theft for fleecing an 86-year-old of $200. Debby Page is charged with six counts of first-degree theft and two counts of second-degree theft.

Page moved in with the former accountant, who suffers from dementia, and coaxed him into giving her thousands of dollars, which prosecutors said she spent at nail salons, doctors’ offices and local casinos. Yet, despite a mountain of evidence against her, Page pleaded not guilty.

Page is a real piece of work. Some people might refer to her as a “gold digger.” She is married to a fairly wealthy 81-year-old man. She claims that she and the 86-year-old man were just friends and that he gave her money voluntarily, saying they take care of each other.

The reality is that she exploited him.

It is good to see the prosecutor is going to vigorously prosecute this case of elder fraud and theft. I am not sure a simple theft education class is enough for her. I think she deserves to spend some time behind bars as a crime against humanity.