by: Mike Miller

Having spent a significant period of time in my life around members of the US Armed Forces, I have great respect for our military personnel. Fortunately, for the many friends and family members I knew growing up, the only war going on was the Cold War.

It saddens me when men in uniform do a disservice not only to their fellow soldiers, but to the government and its citizens as well. In a case where you have to be very careful who you hire, the US Marine Force had more than $3 million in equipment stolen. Why is our government contracting so much work? There have to be plenty of soldiers who could have handled this job. As reported in

The theft involved three contract workers at Camp Pendleton, Calif., for stealing more than $3 million worth of medical equipment destined for units deployed overseas, which they resold for profit.

The thieves, Henry Bonilla, Richard Navarro and Michael Tuisee, worked as warehouse clerks with 1st Medical Logistics Company at the base. Each faces up to 10 years in prison on each theft count and would have to pay restitution if convicted.

Am I the only one who feels the military should get rid of contract labor? I hope these three are mandated to theft classes online and counseling.