by: Mike Miller

As I have mentioned in many previous blogs, the vast majority of shoplifters do not steal out of necessity. How do I know? I just happen to be the educational director for an online theft prevention class and my students are perfect examples.

Yet one constable in England is letting women off easy for shoplifting claiming that cuts in welfare are leading to a need to steal. Do you agree? As reported in

Can you believe that a former Labour law chief who now serves as a Police and Crime Commissioner was accused of ‘making excuses’ for criminals after blaming welfare cuts for shoplifting by women?

The chief said there was growing evidence that women were being driven to steal nappies and food because they were getting fewer benefits.

As evidence she cited the growth in the number of first-time women shoplifting offenders. Do you think welfare reforms create more shoplifting?

It comes as no surprise that her comments sparked astonishment and anger. Just how much do these women still receive in welfare benefits? They are given about $700 per week. That is $2,800 per month. I know plenty of people who could survive on that.

I guess time will tell if they are stealing out of necessity. Perhaps they should begin to offer free online no-theft classes.