by: Mike Miller

Have you ever been to Five Guys Burgers? I have to tell you it is the best fast-food burger in the country. Yes, it is even better than California’s famous In & Out Burgers!

Now, in addition to having great burgers attached to their name and reputation, there is a new image – theft! Is it Five Guys’ fault? Check it out and see.

Trustco Bank wants a refund after its customers were burned by identity thieves while patronizing Five Guys Burgers and Fries. This as reported in

Customers' debit card information got flipped at four local burger chain outlets and was used to purchase almost $90,000 worth of goods.

The primary problem is the burger chain failed to notify customers of the problem. Thieves used 376 transactions to buy $89,835.46 worth of merchandise.

Trustco had to repay its customers for the false charges, and it is suing to get the money from Five Guys. It also is seeking payment for having to cancel and reissue the cards. It pegged the cost at $14,323.57. In total, the bank wants to recover $104,158.

Yet another case of people stealing from their fellow man. Perhaps if we mandated theft classes in middle school and high school we could curb the recent spike in theft and shoplifting.