by: Mike Miller

The world is going nuts. Thieves are stealing nuts. Anyone who steals should take a stop theft class. These all seem givens in this day and age!

Stealing ones nuts can make someone crazy. Pecan farmers in general are very friendly. With the recent rash of thefts, just about every pecan farmer is toting guns and paying security guards to make the rounds through their orchards, day and night.

And, if you're a stranger who winds up on his property, he'll take down your license plate number and ask to see an ID.

Officials said they're noticing a spike in reports of pecan theft this year, thanks to high prices for the crop.

How many Pecans do people consume each year? I bet it is more than you think.

Some 56 million pounds of pecans are expected to be produced this season in New Mexico, according to a federal forecast.

How Pecans are Stolen

People with tarps and sticks sneak into orchards and strip trees of their nuts. Farmers see the results: ground that has been hand-raked and trees that are mostly bare.

Part of the problem is many pecan thieves do not believe they are stealing.

Theft seems to be on the incline for not only pecans but also for alfalfa, a crop that's also experiencing a cost spike.

Because more property owners are carrying arms and hiring security guards the potential for armed conflict and deadly injury is a legitimate concern for law enforcement.

About one-quarter of the state's pecans have been picked so far, Arnold estimated.

What happens if you get caught stealing pecans? Penalties for misdemeanor theft include six months to a year in prison, a fine up to $1,000 or both. Depending on the degree, felony larceny convictions can carry anywhere from 18 months imprisonment and a $5,000 fine, up to nine years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.

Once again folks, do not steal. Buy what you need and do not take what does not belong to you. If you or someone you care about has a theft problem I encourage you to enroll in a stop theft class.
