by: Mike Miller

It is certainly a parental nightmare to think of your child in trouble with the law. Most parents would do anything to keep their child out of trouble. Are you a parent? How far would you go?

An Atlanta mother recognized her 15-year-old son from a surveillance video as the thief of a motorized scooter and turned her son in. Her son and his friends had knocked a rider off his scooter before stealing it. Given high gas prices scooter thefts are on the rise.

It is nice to see a parent doing the right thing by her children and making them responsible for their actions. Far too often these days parents skirt their parental obligation and not only look the other way, but help their children evade the law.

Garden Theft

While scooter thefts are on the rise, gardens too are becoming popular for thieves. In New York City police have responded to a number of thefts involving personal vegetable gardens.

These thefts are especially prevalent from community gardens being tended to by a number of tenants in a building. The high cost of food is one of the motivating factors for the increase in these thefts and police are convinced that most of them are “inside” jobs done by other members of the communal garden. 

Remember – do not take what does not belong to you. And maybe we should recommend New York City theft classes for these people, no?