by: Mike Miller

How charming must a guy be to be able to convince bank tellers to give out personal information on customers to help him commit identity theft? He must be one great looking guy, right? Take a look for yourself.

A New York lothario who goes by the name of "Geovanni Kasanova" has been arrested as the alleged ring leader in an identity theft ring that stole more than $1 million over the course of two years. His alleged main tactic: seducing bank tellers from JP Morgan Chase banks to help him commit identity theft.

"Kasanova," legally known as Richard Dames, 33, and five members of the identity theft and cybercrime ring were indicted Thursday on 148 counts of stealing the money from at least 80 bank accounts.

To hear his attorney Michael Mays’ you would think there is no way he could be guilty of so many horrific thefts.

"If you speak to this guy for a few minutes, he's not exactly smooth or charismatic," Mays said of his client. "He's overweight and his hair was all over the place. He's sitting up in Riker's Island and is penniless. It's not exactly like he's prince charming."

Dames allegedly seduced Makila Williams, 25, and Kia Wylie, 30, who were working as tellers at JP Morgan Chase banks in New York.

The other three suspects are Jamaluddin Almahdi, 66, Wayne Mitchell, 42, and Ricky McCants, 30. McCants was also an employee of a JP Morgan Chase Bank.

The group was indicted on multiple felony charges, including grand larceny, identity theft and conspiracy. McCants and Wylie are also accused of numerous counts of computer trespass.

After becoming involved with Dames, the women allegedly accepted money from him to obtain personal information through the bank's computer system that allowed Dames to steal identities.

Despite numerous run ins with the law, and having been in jail for more than a year, his attorney still had the audacity to defend his client and claim that the last bad thing he did was show up tardy for homeroom back in 2003.

Who is worse, the lothario, or the scum bag attorney lying his rear end off defending him?