by: Mike Miller

There has got to be a better to grow your hair back than by stealing Rogaine. A man from Brooklyn, new York was arrested in Mahwah, New Jersey after using a “boost bag” to shoplift over $500 worth of Rogaine and razors from a CVS store.

Have you ever even heard of a boost bag? While I certainly do not want to abet thieves in their efforts to circumvent store security, a boost bag is a device fashioned out of a black plastic bag, tin foil and duct tape. As reported in

The 41-year-old thief, Wayne Craft, was found to have a box cutter knife in his jacket pocket, the boost bag, shoplifted items, and a zip loc bag containing a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine.

Would it surprise you to know that Craft was on parole? He was charged with shoplifting, possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, and possession of cocaine.

Do you think more time behind bars is going to rehabilitate this guy? Would an 8 hour theft class keep him on the path top righteousness? All I know is this type of despicable, aberrant behavior happens in virtually every city, every day. What do you think the answer is?