by: Mike Miller

Just when you think celebrities could not be any stranger it has come out that Madonna is extremely concerned that her DNA will be stolen.

The mega-pop star has been lewd and outrageous for many of the 30 years she has been in the limelight. Producing a sexy book that reeked of sexual deviancy to her many trysts with other Hollywood A, B, C and D listers including Sean Penn, Dennis Rodman and a number of women. 

I don’t know what is the most crazy thing, but a paranoia over DNA theft is right up there. The pop idol has her very own team of meticulous DNA exterminators, tasked with sterilizing her dressing room and entire backstage area after every show in a bid to prevent genetic theft. This as reported by

No person is allowed inside her dressing room until after her DNA extermination team has departed. There will not be any of Madonna's DNA, any hair, or anything. They will clean up ­everything. In the end it is all to protect her and make her feel comfortable.

What do you think? Is Madonna is justified in her extreme security measures, or taking things a little too far? Do you think an 8 hour theft class might help her paranoia?