by: Mike Miller

Did you ever see the Hollywood blockbuster film “Ocean’s 11” with Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Julia Roberts? The following tale could have been yet another sequel to that film.

It must have been an inside job as the thieves seemed to know exactly where to hit. Using the cover of darkness, the thieves climbed to the roof and made their way across the flat expanse to a spot exactly above the master control room, where the alarms were located. As reported in

They cut their way in and rappelled down using climbing gear to the only location in the warehouse invisible to motion detectors and surveillance cameras — disabling the sophisticated security system with ease.

The tractor-trailer used to haul away $80 million in stolen pharmaceuticals was parked in the only loading bay out of seven that was outside the view of existing surveillance cameras.

The mystery was always how they were able to elude the high-tech security systems meant to detect them. But the mystery may finally be solved. It’s easy if you have maps of the security systems. It appears that the enabler was ADT Security Systems who showed clients their points of vulnerability.

The information allowed a group of ex-cons, whose careers had been mostly low-rent break-ins of vacant construction sites, to move to the big time, pulling off a well-orchestrated operation stretching from New Jersey to Illinois. They made off with millions in drugs, whiskey and cigarettes — by exploiting the one single blind spot in every one of their targets.

The 22 members of the group had their own trucks, storage facilities and black market wholesalers to dispose of goods stolen from warehouses all over the country.

This is a very sad story because we all pay for this thievery. This type of crime could have been stopped had these thieves had access to anti-theft classes. What do you think?