by: Mike Miller

Most thieves are not stupid. Some, however, think they are so smart and clever they can get away with whatever they do. As a counselor for both in-class and online stop theft classes I can attest that it does not always work out for them. I have had hundreds of these “smart guys” in my classes.

Sometimes, the best laid plans can be foiled. In the case of these two “smart guys” they were foiled by a common shopping problem - the lines at Walmart were too long. As reported in

Obviously in a rush, they decided to proceed to their car without waiting in line. The problem was they brought their merchandise with them. When it was over, 20-year-old Nicholas Michael Dagostino and 18-year-old Shannon Johnson, were arrested for shoplifting. They tried to make off with $53 worth of goods. Does that seem worth getting a criminal record? Of course, that question was rhetorical, right?

Their clever plan was to collect receipts in the parking lot and then going into the store and finding the same items that were on the receipt and then trying to return them at customer service for cash.

Unfortunately the customer service line was too long and they exited with the merchandise rather than cash.

Items being stolen included Jergens shampoo, Aleve headache medicine, VaporRub, Nyquil liquid, Nyquil capsules, and a First Response pregnancy test (classic).

Once again the thieves were not as smart as they thought. Walmart is like “Big Brother” there are cameras and security guards everywhere. I hope they take a good theft class as a result of their actions.