by: Mike Miller

The days of cattle rustling are not over. Just ask farmers raising cattle in the United States. Do you think a stop theft class would help keep these cattle safe?

As a counselor for both in-class and online stop theft classes I can tell you my students do not think so. As reported in

So why are cattle thefts more prevalent now? The rising value of agricultural property, a stagnant economy and prevalent drug abuse are all reasons for rural residents to be increasingly vigilant against theft.

Widespread drought and forced herd liquidation has driven up cattle prices in recent years, while the skyrocketing value of hay and grass has led to more reports of property loss across the region.

Also, cattle operations are becoming larger and more spread out, making them vulnerable.

Of course it is not just the cattle ranchers who suffer. Increased theft affects all of us – especially us consumers of beef.

The average recovery rate for stolen agricultural property is around 20 to 30 percent.

So how do farmers go about keeping their livestock safe from thieves? Frist, ranchers need to brand their cattle and mark property such as stock trailers with permanent identification while keeping photographs on file.

I believe that stop theft classes could help deter cattle thefts. How you ask? Theft classes are helpful in preventing people from ever stealing in the first place.