by: Mike Miller

One would hate to think that the theft from two churches was led by a nun. Yet that certainly appears to be the case after two New York churches were robbed of more than $100,000.

As reported by the Buffalo News, police have charged Sister Mary Anne Rapp , a nun, of stealing more than $100,000 from two churches in western New York. Rapp has worked at both churches. As reported in

Why would a nun steal? It is very sad to report that it may have been to feed her vice – gambling!

It’s not a situation where the sister has been living an extravagant life. But there is evidence to show that she may have a gambling problem. I hope she wasn’t betting on Tim Tebow and the New York Jets!

It appears Rapp pocketed money that was donated by parishioners. While nuns have been accused and charged for theft before, this is the first time he has ever had to prosecute a nun.

The theft was discovered after a new Reverend came into the church. Rev. Mark J. Noonan, pastor of the two churches, requested an audit and found that the church was short $100,000.

This is really sad. I certainly would not say this is a sign of the times because gambling happens to people of all socio-economic status’ and during good and bad economic times. I wonder how she got involved in gambling in the first place. I hope she takes an 8 hour theft class.